Re-Bel activity

The next activity of Re-Bel is devoted to the important question "Belgium, a failed state? Unsustainable public debt". It will be held on Monday 11 March 2024 from 5 to 6.30 pm, concurrently at the University Foundation (11 rue d'Egmontstraat, 1000 Brussels) and online. The introductory panel consists of Thomas DERMINE, State Secretary Relance, PS, and Koen GEENS, ex-Finance Minister, CD&V. They will be challenged by Magali VERDONCK, ULB, and Damien PIRON, ULiège. The conversation will be moderated, as usual, by Béatrice DELVAUX (Le Soir) and Karel VERHOEVEN (De Standaard).

More information on the Re-Bel website.