In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates in its new “Speakers' Corner” series, which gives the floor to British speakers and speakers from the EU on UK-EU affairs. In cooperation with TEPSA, the Egmont Institute and the EU-UK Forum, the recent debate was on Wednesday December 13 at 6 pm (followed by a reception) The topic: INSIDE OUT: HOW “GLOBAL” IS THE UK’S FOREIGN AND DEFENSE POLICY AND HOW “GEO-POLITICAL” IS THE EU’S? is discussed by Lord Ricketts, Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst en Baron Frans van Daele, and the discussion was moderated by Professor Dr Alexander Mattelaer.
The debate was followed by a reception.
More information on the topic
In today’s crisis-ridden world, characterised by shifting balances of power, toxic information battles and polarised public opinions, the panel of experienced top diplomats will discuss the influence the UK and EU can wield and how to increase it for the benefit of peace and security and the defence of our European values and interests. How much (if at all) has the effectiveness and coherence of the EU’s and UK’s foreign and defence policies been affected or improved by BREXIT? Is the impact of the UK and the EU taken together larger or smaller than that of the former EU28? How strong is the will on both sides of the Channel to coordinate and harmonise their policies and decision-making frameworks? How important will foreign policy issues be in the upcoming UK and EU elections, most notably the need to provide long-term support for Ukraine? Finally, how closely are the UK and its European allies teaming up to defend the eastern flank of Europe through NATO?
More information on the speakers and the moderator
Lord Ricketts GCMG, GCVO
Lord Peter spent 40 years as a member of the Diplomatic Service. His final post was Ambassador in Paris (2012-16). Before that he was the UK’s first National Security Adviser (2010-12), and in that role was the coordinator of the 2010 National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review. He was Permanent Under Secretary at the FCO and Head of the Diplomatic Service (2006-10). He spent much of his career working on politico-military issues and crisis management, including spells as the FCO Political Director (2001-3) and Permanent Representative to NATO (2003-6). He holds Honorary Degrees from the Universities of London, Kent and Bath.
Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst, EEAS Managing Director for Europe
Since June 2020 Ms Eichhorst is Managing Director for Europe of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Previously Ms Eichhorst served in the EU Delegations in Jordan and in Syria and from 2011 till 2015 she was EU ambassador to Lebanon. As Deputy Managing Director in charge of Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey she was also closely involved, as Chief Negotiator, in supporting the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue.
Ambassador Eichhorst holds an MA in languages and cultures of the Middle-East (Catholic University Nijmegen) and an MA in International Relations (ULB)
Baron Frans van Daele, Minister of State
Baron van Daele, is the European Union Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief outside the EU. He has held several key diplomatic positions in the past. He worked as chief of staff for the King of the Belgians, chief of staff for former EU Council president Herman Van Rompuy and Belgium's permanent representative to NATO. Previously, he served as Belgium's ambassador to the United States and the European Union.
Professor Dr Alexander Mattelaer
Dr Alexander Mattelaer is a Senior Research Fellow at Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations – and an associate professor at the VUB Brussels School of Governance, where he serves as the Vice Dean for Research. He is also affiliated to the Belgian Royal Higher Institute for Defence as chairman of the institute’s Scientific Committee. As a Fulbright Schuman fellow he completed research stays at Harvard University and at the National Defense University in Washington DC. He obtained his PhD in Political Science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Master degrees from the University of Bath and the University of Leuven.